
Saturday, September 24, 2011

7 Months

Well I am only 15 days late this time.  Maybe next month I will be closer to their actual "birthday."

Hadley and Harper,

Seven Months old has made me say "I am feeling the craziness of twins" out loud, once or twice.  You girls are mobile. I can't let either one of you out of my site, but I can hardly hold both of you at the same time anymore.  This is very challenging when I am alone with both of you and I need to take you upstairs for a bath, or downstairs to eat. I feel like every day is a marathon, but it is a rewarding run and a lot of fun. 

We have hit some milestones this month, You both have teeth and you can both crawl.  It is still the "army" crawl but none the less you can get where you want to go, and quickly. 
Teething has not been that bad so far.  There has been a few days that your teeth got the best of all of us, but otherwise you have not had any major changes in temperament or activity. 
Your favorite toys are little rubber ducks (you like to suck on their heads), a little doll house girl that your cousin left over here, a cloth flower that makes a crinkling noise when you touch it's petals and any rattle or ball that makes a shaking sound when you roll it.  You also love the TV remote, the baby monitor, and Mommy's cell phone. We try not to let you have any of these but, sometimes you find them.
You are still great sleepers, you sleep 12 hours at night and take 3 long naps during the day.  We tried to eliminate your third nap but it did not work very well, so you are keeping all three for now. 
You still get 4 bottles a day (2 are 6oz and 2 are 8oz).  Just recently we have taught you how to hold your bottle!  You have NO IDEA what this means for mommy and daddy.  Feeding 2 bottles is such an ordeal.  You were both propped up on pillows, we had to use both hands to hold the bottles and then every 2-3 oz we had to put both bottles down to burp you one at a time, you both would scream until you got your bottle back.  There are still many days that we go through this process, but it is getting easier now that you can hold your bottle some. You are now eating baby food for breakfast and dinner.   You eat fruit, oatmeal and rice cereal for breakfast and peas, carrots, or green beans for dinner.  After dinner we give you a piece of fruit for you to suck on. You are both silent once we give you your fruit....until it is gone and you let us know that you need another piece.  We let you get MESSY and then carry you up to the tub.

You still go to Ms. Maria's house during the day.  You'll love to laugh and smile at her.  We still have to paint your toenail, Hadley.  Ms. Maria can't tell you apart yet!  Even after being with you everyday for 6 months:)
Your great grandma passed away this month.  It was the first time I had to leave you.  It was a hard weekend in many ways but Daddy did a great job of sending me pictures and keeping me up to date about was going on at home.  You girls would have loved to hear your grandma sing the Oklahoma fight song to you. 
Hadley, you never stop smiling. You can play independently well, but you also liked to be held.  You have both learned that if you whine, we will pick you up.  You will let me rock you before putting you in your crib.  We have such special time singing, tickling and kissing before I put you to bed.  You enjoy your paci at night, and hardly ever cry.  You have 2 bottom teeth and love to drool........and spit up.
Harper, you like to suck your bottom lip.  I don't know if it is habit, or makes your gums feel better.  You enjoy being held. You play independently, but not for too long.   You let me rock you a little bit, but you think it is so funny to try to put your paci in mommy's mouth while we rock.  You don't care about your paci much at all.  You sometimes have to fuss a little before you fall asleep.  You definitely know that when I put you in your crib that means that I am don't like that very much.
You both kick your feet hard when we come to get you from your crib. It is one of my favorite parts of the day. 
Thank you for being such sweet babies!  Often times I say to your dad, "What is it like to have 1 baby?" and he always answers "It would be boring."  I agree.  We love our crazy life.


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