
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

8 Months

8 months old.  Unbelievable.  One, because I never thought I would survive this long with twins, and two because they have gotten so big!

Dear Sweet Hadley and Sweet Harper,
The month of August has been a blast!  You are so mobile and active.  You want to play all the time. You never get tired of us tickling you and making silly noises.  There are many days that I am "out of breath" when I finally put you in your crib at night.  But I still love every bit of fishing things out of your mouth, following behind you as you crawl, and wiping up the never ending spit up. 
Hadley, you wear a permanent smile all day long.  You tongue is always hanging out but your grin shines through.  You never refuse food, but you spit so much of it up, no wonder you are always hungry.  You kick your feet constantly. You are like a little puppy that never stops wagging her tail.  You make ridiculous growling noises, especially while you are in your car seat.  They are loud and deep squeals.  You think it is so funny and you do it over and over again until your throat is dry and you start coughing.  You have officially moved from the army crawl to a real hands and knee crawl.  Although Harper is still doing the army crawl, she can keep up with problem.  You are even starting to sit up by yourself.  You fall over quickly but will stay sitting for a minute or two.  You love the tub.  You kick and kick your feet.  I always know you had a good time in the tub, when the walls are covered in water.  Your dad likes to put a good bit of water in the tub so that you can splash a lot (and make a huge mess).  
Harper, you are more mellow than your sister.  You make sweet cooing noises, and say a lot of mamamamamamam, dadadada in this high pitched voice.  I call it your singing.  You love when I make choo choo noises or smack my lips.  You think it is funny to put your fingers in my mouth and grab my tongue.  You have such a funny trick that you play with your dad.  You throw your head back every time your dad says, "Wazzz Up?" You eat well, but become impatient while I feed your sister bites of food. You get 3 meals a day and 4 bottles.  We have tried almost every fruit and vegetable.  We give you veggie sticks, mum mum crackers, peas, and rice crispy cereal. 
You girls definitely know each other now. You crawl all over one another and grab at each other's eyes and toes.  When one is crying loud the other will start a sympathy cry.  I think you have grown a lot this month.  We have a check-up soon.  I am guessing you weigh 15.5 pounds, which is still tiny for your age but maybe we made it back "on the charts" We have moved you up to size 3 diapers.  They are a little big but size 2 is a little small.  You are wearing 6 month clothes (some 3 months).   Your the best babies that we could imagine!

Love, Mom and Dad
Harper Singing!

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