
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tummy Time

At our 2 week appointment the pediatrician told us we need to start doing Tummy Time with the girls to help strengthen their neck.  So Martin has taken it upon himself to work on Tummy Time every evening when he gets home.  Harper has great neck strength, but let's just say she does not like to be on her tummy very long.

Here is what tummy time is suppose to look like...

Harper is being the model students and lifting her head.  (I told you Harper was really good)  She has mastered this because this is her move when she is looking for food.  We call her our little bird.  She always has her neck stretched out and her mouth open looking for food.

But this is what really happens during Tummy Time...Harper sucks on her sister's head looking for food.

And here is how tummy time ends..Harper manages to turn herself over and Hadley falls asleep. 

1 comment:

  1. My girls used to suck on each other's heads!! I loved it!
